I've been once again curbing my appetite to shop by photographing the merchandise rather than buying it. This requires extensive use of the deliciously covert iPhone camera. These photographs were taken at an
antique mall near my house, and so I had to be extra careful. Antique dealers always think you're some sort of spy when you walk around snapping shots left and right. So it looks like I'm one of those teen age technophiles texting constantly, and occassionally lifting my cell phone above my head to make sure I get a good angle, err, I mean better reception.
I was with an out of town guest so we spent more time wandering around than I'm used to, leaving plenty of time to find compositions hiding amongst all the pretty things. It didn't hurt that the antique gallery seemed to be some kind of refurbished factory. Three floors of pretty things! And funny things... and strange... and expensive...
For self portraits taken in mirrors for sale at Fox Skylight Antiques gallery, check out my art blog:
The Lunatic and the Swan.
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